Thursday 29 November 2012

(Day 63): Ducted Central heating system (Bonaire) installed today. Cable, phone and NBN data (National Broadband Network) installed as well.

Ducted heating system. Later we found that this is just a basis three star model which does not support cooling if i want to use the same ducting system. Min requirment is 4 star or above. Too late now!

Ducted system

Data line for NBN (National Broad Band - a controversial and most debated network system and the most expensive in billions!)

Data and cable for TV in family room

Bonaire plant energy rating 3.0

Thursday 8 November 2012

( Day 44): Work is progressing ... now the Colorbond roof is on and the house is coming into shape more. Metricon delivered Selkirk Muskat Haze bricks but I am a bit concerned about the colors as one pile looked starkly different from the other pile. I have raised my concern - lets see what happens. We may have to render the house if we dont like this basic category 1 brick... but lets wait and see how it turns out to be.

Bricks, sand etc on the site

Brick layers' stuff

The blue frame on the roof is for holding the roof - color bond steel.

Color bond steel roof (Color: Monument)

View of our street (Hay Avenue). Yes she is the neck of the house if I am head. Remember head turns when neck turns.

Selkirk Musket Haze (notice the color difference). But later we found the off color stays inside and so we have uniform color outside.

Musket Haze Bricks

Thursday 1 November 2012

(Day 36): Can't get more delighted as the work progressed. Metricon is really doing it without delay. They always keep things happening and we have new things each day to see. Now they have already put windows on ground floor and have put fascia. I am organizing independent inspection for FRAME just to be on sure side. I think this is very important as the FRAME must be sound. Once they cover it with bricks, you dont know whats gone inside.

Front side view.

Front side view of the garage.

Was gloomy afernoon but that did not stop us to visit the house.

This is sliding door from the family + dining + kitchen. All windows and sliding doors from Southern Star.I particularly liked the engineered joists used by Metricon here as they are sturdy and termite proof. This is free upgrade!